Celadon Dragon Dictionary - tradvssimp

Traditional and Simplified Characters


Side-by-side examples of Traditional and Simplified Characters

Traditional Character Simplified Character Pinyin CNPA Definition
guó ㄍㄨㄛˊ country; nation -n.
chē ㄔㄜ automobile; car; vehicle -n.
diàn (pron.: dien4) ㄉ一ㄢˋ electricity; electrical -n./adj.
yī (pron.: ee1) doctor; medicine -n. cure; treat -v.
寿 shòu (pron.: show4) ㄕㄡ` longevity; long life; age -n.
wú (pron.: oo2) ㄨ´ no; not; not have; without; nothing; nil -v./n./adj./adv.

Above- some examples of traditional characters and their simplified equivalents

Chinese characters have been developing in China for more than 3,000 years. In the ancient period, as the characters were developing, it was envisioned that there should be pronunciation cues in the characters by making a part of the character the ‘meaning component’ and part of the character the ‘sound component’.

But, as the characters continued to develop and became more and more complex, this ‘rule’ was violated so often, that, even given the presence of a sound component in a character, Chinese people recognize that this sound component will be a correct clue to the pronunciation only about 80% of the time. (Note that the sound components are not phonetic in nature, and have to do with the pronunciation families of some radicals.)

0_index_2_xihulake_bridgeA covered bridge on West Lake in Hángzhōu, Zhèjiāng.

In the 19th century some examples of early Chinese writings were found inscribed on tortoise shells. At the beginning of the 20th century, these inscriptions were recognized to be more than 3000-year-old writings from the Shāng Dynasty period (approx. 1600-1000 bce). These ‘tortoise-shell writings’ are samples of some of the earliest Chinese characters discovered.

In fact, historically there have been more than 70,000 and perhaps as many as 80,000 characters created and used, although only a small portion of them are used in China today.

It is commonly asserted that in order to read a newspaper in China, the reader must know about 3,000 characters. It is also said that these 3,000 characters cover about 99% of the characters appearing in modern books and newspapers, and of these, about 950 of them occur in 90% of reading situations.

So, the language doesn’t require quite as much memorization as might seem necessary from the absolute number of characters in use: with these 950 characters, the student can functionally read just about any common book or magazine, with only an occasional need to resort to a dictionary.

Chinese students may learn up to 5,000 characters through high school (although an accurate count is impossible,) and those who continue to study in university may learn several hundred to a thousand or more additional characters.

University professors and literary scholars may be able to recognize in the range of 6-10,000 characters: clearly a prodigious feat.

Chinese students study their own language, (both its characters and its literature), intensively, and for a long time …certainly longer than Westerners study their native languages. This makes sense if you understand that historical Chinese writings go back for thousands of years, while in the West, our recorded history and our languages are sometimes substantially shorter.

In addition, (at least for English speakers,) the literary works of our predecessor civilizations are in other languages: Ancient Greek, Latin, German, French, Danish, (not to mention Ancient Egyptian, Phoenician, Persian, Hebrew and other languages,) and are thus unintelligible to us. The Chinese are able to at least read, if not necessarily immediately understand without study, Ancient and Classical Chinese texts.

0_5_lotus_in_the_rainLotus flowers in a pool in the rain.

This extended study is a very expensive task for Chinese schools. Since China has been poor for most of the period of the Qīng Dynasty (1644-1912 ce), and even beyond that through the 20th century, education for Chinese students has been both expensive and often historically very hard to come by.

After the 1949 Communist victory in the Chinese civil war, the central government promulgated a system of simplified characters that allowed the easier writing of characters, (and also somewhat less expense in teaching the characters, as they could be learned faster.)

It should be noted that it is estimated that there are presently some 300 million school-aged children in China (probably more than the entire population of the US.) Assuming that the Chinese population in the early 1950s was half of its present-day size, the population of China could have been in the range of 4-600 million people (or more).

That would mean that the school-age population was probably at least 100 million students: likely much more. That’s a large number for any country to educate, and China was very poor then, having just come out of at least 30 bloody years of revolution and civil war, and over 10 years of war with Japan as well.

So anything that made the language easier to learn and cheaper to teach was very welcome to the Chinese government. Note also that in the early 1950s China was undergoing a crash program to produce 100% literacy (which was substantially successful a dozen years later, by the end of the 1960s).

How Characters Were Simplified

Characters were simplified in three ways:

1. The first simplification method was accomplished by going through the 214 radicals of the Chinese language (called the ‘Kāngxī’ [pron.: kang shee] Radicals,) and making them writable with fewer strokes. By simplifying the radicals, thousands of characters were indirectly acted on, making characters easier to write and also easier to remember.

Note that the Celadon Dragon Chinese Dictionary contains 4 different listings of all 214 Kāngxī Radicals, each listing organized differently and all easily accessible, as well as reports displaying all characters assigned to each radical. These “KXR” reports allow the student a better conceptual understanding of the classification system of Chinese characters, as well as a better practical understanding of the use of the KXR system.

Traditional Character Simplified Character Pinyin CNPA Symbol Definition
shí ㄕ´ food -n.
ㄇㄚˇ horse -n.
mén ㄇㄣ´ door -n.
jiàn (pron.: jien4) ㄐ一ㄢ` see; meet with -v. view; opinion -n.
yán (pron.: yen2) 一ㄢ´ speak; talk -v. word; character -n.

2. For other traditional characters, a small portion or section of the character became the simplified character.

Traditional Character Simplified Character Pinyin CNPA Symbol Definition
níng ㄋ一ㄥ´ lemon -n.
xū (pron.: shu1) ㄒㄩ beard; mustache -n.
gàn ㄍㄢ` do; work -v.
kuā ㄎㄨㄚ exaggerate; boast -praise -v.
qì (pron.: chee4) ㄑ一` air; gas -manners -breath -spirit

3. For a very small number of traditional characters, completely new simplified characters were created.

Traditional Character Simplified Character Pinyin CNPA Symbol Definition
wèi ㄨㄟˋ defend; guard; protect -v.
huài ㄏㄨㄞ` go bad; spoil; ruin -v. bad -adj.
huá ㄏㄨㄚ´ splendid; brilliant -adj.  -China -n.
zhuān (pron.: juan1) ㄓㄨㄢ specialize -concentrate -v.
ㄍㄜˋ general quantifier; measure word

China and Simplified Characters

Simplified characters are taught in Chinese schools and universities and used in books and newspapers in China.

It is not unusual, however, to occasionally see traditional characters there, sometimes as a reflection of the past (for instance, some, carved on rocks in historic places, can be hundreds or even thousands of years old, while others may be found on door lintels of old temples and public buildings).

Interestingly, new buildings in contemporary China increasingly use traditional rather than simplified characters on their door lintels and in their public areas both for the building’s names as well as for decoration, as the government eases its insistence on the use of simplified characters. Chinese people generally prefer the beauty of traditional characters to the simplified characters. When writing, however, all Chinese use simplified characters.

8_3_famous_guilin_sceneIconic karst formations in Guìlín, Guǎngxī.

In China, the study of traditional characters is usually left to art students specializing in the study of calligraphy or those studying the Chinese classics. However, since traditional characters are still relatively ubiquitous in China, many (if not most) educated Chinese will be familiar with the traditional as well as the simplified versions of many characters.

Táiwān, Hong Kong and Traditional Characters

Contrariwise, in Táiwān, Hong Kong and Macao traditional characters are still in common use, and students study them rather than simplified characters. Many of the Mainland Chinese simplified characters are not used at all in Táiwān, and are just beginning to penetrate into Hong Kong since the ’97 Handover, although they are not yet used in popular books or newspapers.

When hand writing characters, however, Hong Kong people and Táiwānese may write either the traditional character, or, if there are simplified versions of the character, they may habitually use one of the simplified versions …which may or may not be the same as the equivalent simplified character used in China.

In Táiwān, usually only business people who regularly visit China will easily recognize some of the Mainland simplified characters, although this is not a hard and fast rule. Since most of the simplifications are derived from traditional characters they will often be understood by Taiwanese, who clearly see the relation between the simplified characters and their traditional antecedents.

Some of the Mainland simplifications however, bear no relation to the corresponding traditional characters, and for those, Táiwānese generally remain completely unaware.

Characters as Art: Chinese Calligraphy

Chinese consider their characters to be as much an art form as a means of written communication …and a school of calligraphic art is devoted to the study and practice of writing beautiful Chinese characters. Traditionally, an artist included calligraphy among his works, either as individual works, or with characters included in pictures.

6_5_chinese_character_as_art shòu – long life: A traditional character frequently used for calligraphy, for its meaning as well as for its difficulty (14 strokes). (Note that this character is present twice in the picture displayed on the left. First as the large tree-like picture in the center, and second as the smaller character hanging on the wall to the left.)

Calligraphy is taught in art schools and the art departments of universities, and involves writing characters with an old-style Chinese writing brush in any of a number of different formal and informal styles. All Chinese study calligraphy by the time they graduate high school: some spend their lives trying to perfect their ability to write beautiful characters.

As calligraphy can be anything from a single well-executed character to ancient poems or well-known Chinese texts, a Chinese person who is able to write beautiful characters is considered to be both highly literate and erudite to the Chinese.

Note that while many Chinese are able to quote old texts, the texts being a basic part of Chinese education and fundamental to the culture, not everyone is able to write them letter-perfect, and in a ‘beautiful hand’ as well. That is something unusual …and is respected for its difficulty as well as its evidence of erudition. (Remember, too, that this is a Confucian society, and that Confucius was a teacher: teachers and learning are at the pinnacle of this society, or, looked at another way, are the foundation of this society.)

In China, foreign language-students are also encouraged to study calligraphy. Many find it both fun and pleasurable: some even do it well.

Occasionally, however, you will see peasants doing calligraphy using simplified characters. This may be a statement as much about education as about anything else: peasants in the countryside are unlikely to have extensive exposure to traditional characters. Even so, the Chinese people genuinely love their characters and their beauty. And, since writing calligraphy is art, all writers of calligraphy are artists!

In Běijīng parks in the summertime, you can see men and women practicing writing characters on the hot pavement using brushes the size of mops with pails of water for use as ink. There will usually be a crowd of people standing around the calligraphers, commenting on the characters in a good-natured way, occasionally congratulating one or another writer for a particularly beautiful character before the character evaporates.

6_5_practicing_calligraphyOld man doing calligraphy in a village.

One often sees old people practicing calligraphy: at the side of a road in a peasant village one can find an old man with a small stool, a folding table, paper, inkslab and brushes, writing characters and quotes for a crowd of locals, sometimes accepting a few ‘jiǎo’ [角] (dimes) in return. (See photo below, right.)

Calligraphy is usually done using traditional characters, because simplified characters just don’t have the beauty of the traditional characters.

Many (if not most) Chinese homes have calligraphy scrolls on the wall.

Language Study in China and Taiwan

Be aware also that study in China for foreigners is a relatively inexpensive endeavor, and that there are both direct and indirect Chinese government subsidies involved in study by foreign students, particularly for young people (it’s the young who change the future …Chinese thinking, or just forward thinking?)

Serious students of the language should certainly include plans to spend at least some time studying in any one of the many Chinese universities that include foreign students among their student populations.

Many (if not most,) of these universities have specific educational and living facilities set aside exclusively for the education of foreign language-students.

7_2_dai_womanA young Dai woman in Dai unmarried woman’s headdress in Lì​jiāng, Yúnnán.

Táiwān, on the other hand, because of its higher standard of living, is somewhat more expensive, (but still less expensive than the U.S.), as well as a good experience for the serious student.

The atmosphere in Táiwān is less restrictive than in China: it is easier for Westerners living in Táiwān’s more Westernized society, and the student will usually study traditional characters there, instead of the Mainland’s simplified characters.

A well-rounded education in Chinese language and culture certainly should include some knowledge of and exposure to traditional characters, in this writer’s opinion.

The foreigner studying in either China or Táiwān will find the Chinese people to be very friendly, and (both a point of pride to all Chinese and an important part of Chinese culture), exceedingly polite.

Multilingual Chinese

As mentioned earlier, China is a linguistically complex place. Most people are at least bilingual, and some Chinese or Táiwānese may speak three or even four Chinese languages, as well as English.

In many places in China, people are likely to mix their local language and Chinese together, both in the same conversation as well as in the same sentence. In Táiwān in particular, in the same conversation, one is also highly likely to hear some English or possibly even Japanese words used.

Since people usually prefer to speak their native language, and also since many people are equally able in both their mother tongue as well as in Chinese, it is very possible to hear conversations where one person speaks the place-language or the provincial language, (that person’s mother-tongue,) and another answers in Chinese (that person’s mother-tongue or preferred language).

So, when studying in China or Táiwān and listening to others speak, do not immediately assume, if you don’t understand what’s being said, that your Pǔtōnghuà comprehension is at fault …you must first listen and determine if the person is speaking Chinese, or a provincial or place-language, or two languages mixed together, or is speaking with such a heavy accent as to disguise the fact that they are actually speaking Pǔtōnghuà! (Actually, it’s a good idea to ask them …and also a good way to strike up a conversation with Chinese people: they love to talk about their languages with foreigners.)

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© R. Teller, 2015


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List of Topics   List of Abbreviations


List of Abbreviations

(!)Simplified character is completely different from the Traditional character
A.C.ancient Chinese
adj.adjective or adjectival phrase (in Chinese an adj. is often simply a v. or n. to which de5 [的] is added: the 的 is usually omitted in this dictionary)
adv.adverb or adverbial phrase
akaalso known as
alt. pron.alternate or non-standard pronunciation
Am.American; American usage
arch.archaic character, use or meaning
Arch.Architecture; referring to Architecture or having to do with Architecture
aux.auxiliary verb
bce.Before the Common Era (=BC: Before Christ)
Bei.pron.Beijing-style pronunciation
bf.bound form
Br.British; British usage
CCPChinese Communist Party
CEChurch of England
ce.Common Era (=AD: Anno Domini)
Ch.id.Chinese idiom
char.Chinese character
Chin.China; Chinese
Chr.Christianity (including both Protestantism and Catholicism)
coll.colloquial expression or usage
derog.used as a derogatory term
dipl.diplomacy; diplomatic
dist.distinguished from; as distinguished from
Eng.id.English idiom
Eng.ph.English phrase
env.environment; environmental
fam.familiar usage
fig.figurative usage
fmr.former or formerly
Fr.France; French
fv.functive verb
gr.str.grammatical structure or construction
gyabillion years ago
hist.history; historical
interch.interchangeable with
Jp.Japan; Japanese; Japanese variant (of a character)
KXRKangxi Radical
L.Latin, from Latin or having a Latin root
L.ph.translation of Latin phrase (as used in English)
leg.legal terminology
lit.literal (ie. word-for-word) translation
M.measure word (used as a numerary adjunct for nouns)
mach.machines; machinery
MEMiddle East; Middle Eastern
med.medicine; medical terminology; as used in the practice of, etc.
met.metaphorical usage
mil.military terminology
mod.modern usage
mus.music or musical notation
myamillion years ago
na.name or title
naut.nautical, marine or maritime
NGOsNon-Governmental Organizations
nph.noun phrase; compound noun
on.onomatopoeia (as, a sound's written representation of how it sounds)
opp.opposite or as opposed to
pn.place name, geographic location or geographic feature
pol.polite form of address
pol.sl.political slogan
pop.popular speech; popularly used; common speech
pop.wr.popularly written
pp.past participle
PRCPeople's Republic of China; as used in the PRC
pron.pronounced; pronunciation
pw.place word
qs.question sentence
qw.question word
rad.radical- used as a part of Chinese characters
RCRoman Catholic
regl.var.regional variant
rve.resultative verb ending
sf.sentence fragment
sh.short form or shortened form
sp.specialized language used in technical situations or by specialists (eg.: medical, legal, etc.)
sp.pron. special or unusual pronunciation
sport.as used in sports; sports terminology
ss.sample sentence
st.pron.sometimes pronounced
st.wr.sometimes written
sv.stative verb (an adj. which includes 'be' as in 'be (x)', often simply labeled as 'adj.')
T.S.Tone Sandhi
tax.taxonomy (as, scientific naming system); taxonomic name
TCMTraditional Chinese Medicine; Chinese herbal medicine
topo.topolect (some part of the word has been phonically transliterated from English into Chinese) (aka loanword)
tr.na.trade name, business name or product name
TWTaiwan; as used in Taiwan
u.f.used for
var.various; variety; variant
vo.separable verb-object combination
vph.verb phrase; compound verb
wr.written or literary use

List of Topics

A01 Agriculture: Soil, Crops and Tools
A02 Livestock and Animal Husbandry
A03 Nomadism and Pastoralism
A04 Sericulture and Silk
A05 Trees and Forestry
A06 Wood Products, Carpentry and Woodworking
A07 Other Misc. Wooden Articles and Furniture
A08 Plants and Botany
A10Fruits and Melons
A11Beans, Nuts, Seeds, Oils and Tubers
A12Molds, Mushrooms and Other Fungi
A13Smells, Aromas and Fragrances
A14Fibers, Textiles and Dyeing
B01 Rarity, Precision, Value and Excellence
B02 Beauty, Aesthetics, Art and the Fine Arts
B03 Colors
B04 Pattern, Design, Appearance and Decoration
B05 Architecture, Structures and Construction
B06 Handicrafts
B07 Porcelain and Pottery
B08 Clarity, Darkness and Gloom
C01 Books, Poetry, Literature and Publishing
C02 Myths, Legends, Stories and Reading
C03 Documents, Correspondence, Paper and Printing
C04 Journalism, News, Newspapers and Media
C05 Acting, Theater, Video and Cinematography
C06 Voice, Sound, Music and Dance
C07 The Eye, Vision and Photography
C08 Radio, Television, and Broadcasting
D01 Science and Scientific Ideas
D02 Biology, Microbiology, Taxonomy and Genetics
D03 Anatomy, Physiology, Kinesiology and Bioelectronics
D04 Land Animals
D05 Insects and Spiders
D06 Rivers, the Littoral, the Ocean, Fish, Amphibians, Aquatic Animals and Oceanography
D07 Birds and Flying Mammals
D08 The Environment, Conservation, Ecology, Pollution and Garbage
E01 Chemistry
E02 Communication and Humor
E03 Technology, Computers, Electronics and the Internet
E04 Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry
E05 Batteries, Electricity and Light
E06 Geology and the Earth Sciences
E07 Petroleum, Minerals, Mining and Metallurgy
E08 Jade, Gemstones and Jewelry
F01 Individual Character Definitions
F02 Chinese Culture, Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture
F03 Chinese Dynasties and the Dynastic Period
F04 Ancient Chinese Warfare and Weapons
F05 Chinese Language: Measure Words, Negatives and RVEs
F06 Nature and Natural Resources
F07 Names, Proper Names and Trade Names
F08 Chinese Books, Writing and Characters
G01 Diplomacy and International Relations
G02 Nationality, Ethnicity, Nations and Peoples
G03 Bureaucracy, Government and NGOs
G04 Geography and Maps
G05 Places and Place Names
G06 Topography and Geographic Features
G07 Politics
G08 Cities
H01 Economics and Markets
H02 Business, Enterprise, Commerce and Ownership
H03 Accounting
H04 Sales, Marketing and Service
H05 Negotiation, Labor and Management
H06 Money and Banking, Finance, Insurance and Investing
H07 Products, Companies, Manufacturing and Manufactured Goods
H08 Skill, Standards and Quality
I01 Education
I02 Mathematics, Statistics, Quantities, Series, Progression and Size
I03 Prehistory, Protohistory and World History
I04 Chinese History and Historical Mythology
I05 Japan and Japanese History
I06 Sanitation and Hygiene
I07 Materials
I08 Actions
I09Shapes, Forms and Models
I10Textures, Rough and Smooth Surfaces, and Flexibility
J01 The Kitchen, Cooking Techniques, Utensils and Nutrition
J02 Foods and Ingredients, Tea and Other Beverages, Spices, Sauces and Seasonings
J03 Alcohol, Wines and Spirits
J04 Restaurants and Entertaining, Menu Items, Chinese (and Other) Food and Recipe Names
J05 Absorb, Inhale, Assimilate and Include
J06 Easy, Difficult, Similarities and Differences
J07 New, Old, More, Less
J08 Instructions, Directions, Opportunity, Problems and Mistakes
K01 Language
K02 Grammar and Grammatical Constructions
K03 Phonetics
K04 Exclamations, Expressions, Phrases, Proverbs, Sayings, Slang and Idioms
K05 Descriptions
K06 Order and Disorder, Methods and Meetings
K07 Sources, Results, Solutions, Beginnings, Endings and Waste
K08 Comparisons, Combinations, Connections, Distribution and Containers
L01 Rules, Law, Courts, Justice and Criminology
L02 Threats, Safety and Security
L03 Winning, Losing, Success, Failure, Luck, Fame and Fortune
L04 Hide, Conceal, Secrets, Questions and Answers
L05 Seek, Barriers, Limits and Restrictions
L06 Help, Strong and Weak
L07 Change, Plan, Functioning and Usefulness
L08 Groups, Unity, Decision, Agreement and Harmony
M01 Logic, Intellect, Talent and Ability
M02 Philosophy, Ideas, Knowledge and Inventions
M03 Medicine, Health and Pharmacology
M04 Memory, the Mind, Psychology and Emotion
M05 Human Characteristics and Responsibilities
M06 Corruption in Society, Sex and Pornography
M07 Public and Private, Manners and Civility, Respect and Honor
M08 Real, Counterfeit, Substitutes and Copies; Cheap and Expensive
N01 Military Affairs and Intelligence, Weapons, Strategy, War and Peace
N02 Protest, Violence, Rebellion, Civil War, Terrorism and Guerilla Warfare
N03 Engineering
N04 Time and Tides
N05 Organization, Competence, Aspiration and Obligation
N06 Childhood, Maturation, Adulthood and Old Age
N07 Sleep
N08 Life, Death, Living and Dying
O01 General Physics
O02 Space, Optics, Astronomy and Astrophysics
O03 Atoms, Atomic Energy and Particle Physics
O04 Aeronautics, Aviation, Air Power and Spaceflight
O05 Weights, Measures, Flow, Positioning and Distance
O06 Fire, Water and Ice
O07 Weather, Meteorology and Conditions
O08 Float, Wave, Rise in the Air, Spin, Revolve and Other Motions
P01 Faith, Religion, Morals and Ethics
P02 Great Religious Writings
P03 The Zodiac, Astrology and Other Symbols
P04 Hope, Fate, Belief and Superstition
P05 Women and Women's Things
P06 Permission, Acceptance and Rejection
P07 Opposites, Categories and Kinds
P08 Collect, Assemble, Give and Receive
Q01 Sociology, Society and Culture
Q02 Relationships
Q03 Clothing, Fashion and Style
Q04 Behavior, Habits and Addictions
Q05 Home, Furniture, Household Appliances, Housewares and Household Activities
Q06 Work, Jobs and Careers
Q07 Sports, Athletics and Exercise
Q08 Toys, Games, Gambling, Entertainment and Leisure Activities
R01 Gifts, Prizes, Ceremonies, Achievements  and Philanthropy
R02 Ships, Shipping, Sailing, Naval Forces and Maritime Affairs
R03 Rope, Bind, Tie, Packaging and Packages
R04 Travel, Transportation, Air Travel and Tourism
R05 the Science of Mechanics, Mechanisms, Instruments, Devices, Machines and Engines
R06 Vehicles, Driving and Speed
R07 Breakage, Accidents and Disasters
R08 Machine Parts, Tools and Their Use