Celadon Dragon Dictionary - pronguide


Chinese Pronunciation Guide

All 402 Chinese Word-Sounds Transliterated Alphabetically in Pinyin

Including the Equivalent CNPA/BoPoMoFo Symbols and Cues for Standard Chinese Pronunciation

(NB: Bopomofo is a transliteration system used to phonetically produce the sounds of the Chinese language, first created in the 1920’s in the Republic of China, and used in China until replaced by the modern Roman-character based Pinyin system introduced in the PRC in 1958 and now used world-wide. Bopomofo is still used in Taiwan. CNPA stands for “Chinese National Phonetic Alphabet”.)

CNPA/Bopomofo Symbols with Pinyin Transliterations
Initials Finals
ㄅ – be ㄐ – ji ㄚ – a ㄥ – eng
ㄆ – pe ㄑ – qi ㄛ – o ㄦ – er
ㄇ – me ㄒ – xi ㄜ – e 一 – yi
ㄈ – fe ㄓ – zhi ㄝ – eh ㄨ – wu
ㄉ – de ㄔ – chi ㄞ – ai ㄩ – yü
ㄊ – te ㄕ – shi ㄟ – ei
ㄋ – ne ㄖ – ri ㄠ – ao
ㄌ – le ㄗ – zi ㄡ – ou
ㄍ – ge ㄘ – ci ㄢ – an
ㄎ – ke ㄙ – si ㄣ – en
ㄏ – he ㄤ – ang



Pronunciation Guide for Bopomofo Element Tokens
CNPA Symbol Pinyin Pronunciation Comment
ji ‘gee’
qi ‘chee’
xi ‘shee’
zhi the ‘g’-sound in the name ‘George’ NB: transliterated as ‘jh’ for pronunciation purposes at the bottom of this pronunciation chart to caution the new student to avoid the tendency to use an English ‘zh’ sound. Note that there is no phonetically English ‘zh’-sound in Chinese.
ri a ‘rrr’ sound with overtones of a ‘j’-like sibilance Note that this is NOT a simple English ‘r’-sound. This Chinese sound does not exist in English.
chi has the sound ‘che’ The ‘e’ here is neither the English soft ‘e’ [ĕ] or hard ‘e’ [ē], but rather the ‘u’ sound in ‘cushion’.
zi pronounced ‘dz’, like the ‘dz’ sound in the English word ‘adze’ Note: there is no phonetically English ‘z’-sound in Chinese.
c ‘ts’ There is no comparable sound in English.
a ‘ah’
o ‘awe’
e the ‘u’ in ‘cushion’
ei ‘ayyy’ or ‘aei’ The same sound that Canadians use to end a sentence: like the English hard-‘a’ [ā] sound
ou ‘oh’ Essentially, a ‘hard’ English ‘o’ [ō] sound
an ‘ah’ + ‘n’
en ‘un’
ang ‘ah’ + ‘ng’
eng ‘ung’
yi ‘ee’ …the ‘y’ is silent
wu ‘oo’ …the ‘w’ is silent
This sound is like ‘oo’ added to a ‘u’ sound. It is the same sound as the German ümlaut-U (ü). …the ‘y’ is silent. There is no comparable sound in English.


The 402 Chinese Word-Sounds

Pronunciation key:

Word Sound
CNPA Symbol English Pronunciation Guide
a ah
ai ah + y (rh w/) why?
an ah + n
ang ah + ng (rh w/) ‘pong’ -as in ping-pong
ao ow (rh w/) ‘pow’
ba ㄅㄚ
bai ㄅㄞ buy
ban ㄅㄢ
bang ㄅㄤ bong (rh w/) ‘pong’ -as in ping-pong
bao ㄅㄠ bow (as a movement of the body, and not the weapon)
bei ㄅㄟ bay
ben ㄅㄣ bun
beng ㄅㄥ (rh w/) ‘hung’ or ‘sung’
bi ㄅ一 bee
bian ㄅ一ㄢ bee + en (note that in this word and those below, the ‘bee’ sound is very short)
biao ㄅ一ㄠ bee + ow
bie ㄅ一ㄝ bee + eh
bin ㄅ一ㄣ been
bing ㄅ一ㄥ
bo ㄅㄛ (rh w/) ‘law’ or ‘saw’
bu ㄅㄨ boo
ca ㄘㄚ ts + ah
cai ㄘㄞ ts + ‘ai’ – sounds like ‘i’ in ‘trial’
can ㄘㄢ ts + an
cang ㄘㄤ ts + ahng
cao ㄘㄠ ts + ow
ce ㄘㄜ ts + ‘e’ (the ‘e’ sounds like the ‘u’ in ‘cut’ or the ‘a’ sound in ‘ago’)
cen ㄘㄣ ts + un
ceng ㄘㄥ ts + ung
cha ㄔㄚ cha
chai ㄔㄞ chai – the ‘ai’ sounds like the ‘y’ in ‘try’
chan ㄔㄢ
chang ㄔㄤ
chao ㄔㄠ chow
che ㄔㄜ ch + e (the ‘e’ sounds like the ‘u’ in ‘cut’ or the ‘a’ sound in ‘ago’)
chen ㄔㄣ chun
cheng ㄔㄥ chung
chi ch
chong ㄔㄨㄥ
chou ㄔㄡ (rh w/) ‘row’ or ‘sew’
chu ㄔㄨ choo (like a train)
chua ㄔㄨㄚ ch + wa
chuai ㄔㄨㄞ ch + why
chuan ㄔㄨㄢ ch + wan
chuang ㄔㄨㄤ ch + wahng
chui ㄔㄨㄟ ch + way
chun ㄔㄨㄣ ch + un (rh w/) ‘bun’
chuo ㄔㄨㄛ ch + awe (rh w/) ‘jaw’
ci tss
cong ㄘㄨㄥ ts + ong (‘ong’ has the sound of ‘ong’ in song)
cou ㄘㄡ ts + o (the ‘o’ has the sound of ‘o’ in ‘go’)
cu ㄘㄨ ts + oo
cuan ㄘㄨㄢ ts + wan
cui ㄘㄨㄟ ts + way
cun ㄘㄨㄣ ts + wun
cuo ㄘㄨㄛ ts + aw
da ㄉㄚ
dai ㄉㄞ
dan ㄉㄢ
dang ㄉㄤ dahng
dao ㄉㄠ dow
de ㄉㄜ de (same sound as the French ‘de’)
dei ㄉㄟ day
deng ㄉㄥ dung
di ㄉ一 dee
dian ㄉ一ㄢ dee +en (note that in this word and those below, the ‘dee’ sound is very short)
diao ㄉ一ㄠ dee + ow
die ㄉ一ㄝ dee + eh
ding ㄉ一ㄥ
diu ㄉ一ㄡ dee + oh- (the ‘oh’ has the sound of ‘o’ in ‘go’)
dong ㄉㄨㄥ (rh w/) ‘tong’
dou ㄉㄡ (rh w/) ‘o’ in ‘go’
du ㄉㄨ dew
duan ㄉㄨㄢ dew + ahn
dui ㄉㄨㄟ dew + way
dun ㄉㄨㄣ like ‘dew’ + ‘en’ (together)
duo ㄉㄨㄛ (rh w/) ‘caw’ or ‘paw’
e ‘e’ here has the sound of ‘u’ in ‘cushion’
eh eh
ei ay (what Canadians say at the end of sentences)
en un
er ‘are’ (sounds exactly like the letter ‘r’)
fa ㄈㄚ faa
fan ㄈㄢ
fang ㄈㄤ (rh w/) ‘pong’ -as in ping-pong
fei ㄈㄟ fay
fen ㄈㄣ sounds like the English word ‘fun’
feng ㄈㄥ fung
fo ㄈㄛ faw
fou ㄈㄡ foe
fu ㄈㄨ foo
ga ㄍㄚ
gai ㄍㄞ guy
gan ㄍㄢ
gang ㄍㄤ gong (rh w/) ‘pong’ -as in ping-pong
gao ㄍㄠ gow
ge ㄍㄜ ge (rh w/) the French ‘de’ or ‘le’
gei ㄍㄟ gay
gen ㄍㄣ gun
geng ㄍㄥ gung
gong ㄍㄨㄥ
gou ㄍㄡ go
gu ㄍㄨ goo
gua ㄍㄨㄚ gwah
guai ㄍㄨㄞ g + why
guan ㄍㄨㄢ g + wan
guang ㄍㄨㄤ g + wang
gui ㄍㄨㄟ g + way
gun ㄍㄨㄣ gwun (very soft ‘w’-sound)
guo ㄍㄨㄛ (rh w/) ‘paw’
ha ㄏㄚ
hai ㄏㄞ high
han ㄏㄢ hahn
hang ㄏㄤ (rh w/) ‘pong’ -as in ping-pong
hao ㄏㄠ how
he ㄏㄜ he (rh w/) the French ‘de’ or ‘le’
hei ㄏㄟ hay
hen ㄏㄣ hun (as in ‘honey’)
heng ㄏㄥ hung
hong ㄏㄨㄥ (rh w/) ‘strong’
hou ㄏㄡ hoe
hu ㄏㄨ who
hua ㄏㄨㄚ h + wa
huai ㄏㄨㄞ h + why
huan ㄏㄨㄢ h + wahn
huang ㄏㄨㄤ h + wang
hui ㄏㄨㄟ h + way
hun ㄏㄨㄣ h + wun
huo ㄏㄨㄛ haw
“J” sounds in Chinese: Note that there are two different ‘j’-sounds in the Chinese language. The ‘j’-sound immediately below (and transliterated in Pinyin as a ‘j’) is articulated the same as the English ‘j’-sound. The other ‘j’-sound is transliterated in Pinyin as ‘zh’ and is articulated differently: for more information on its pronunciation, see the listing for >ZH< below.
ji ㄐ一 gee (just like the sound of the letter ‘g’)
jia ㄐ一ㄚ gee + ah (note that the ‘gee’ sound of this word and those below is very short)
jian ㄐ一ㄢ gee + en
jiang ㄐ一ㄤ gee + ah + ng
jiao ㄐ一ㄠ gee + ao
jie ㄐ一ㄝ gee + eh
jin ㄐ一ㄣ gin
jing ㄐ一ㄥ
jiong ㄐㄩㄥ gee + ung
jiu ㄐ一ㄡ gee + oh
ju ㄐㄩ jyü
juan ㄐㄩㄢ jyü + en
jue ㄐㄩㄝ jyü + eh
jun ㄐㄩㄣ jyü + n
ka ㄎㄚ
kai ㄎㄞ (rh w/) ‘guy’
kan ㄎㄢ can
kang ㄎㄤ (rh w/) ‘pong’ -as in ping-pong
kao ㄎㄠ cow
ke ㄎㄜ ke (rh w/) the French ‘de’ or ‘le’
ken ㄎㄣ kun (rh w/) ‘bun’
keng ㄎㄥ (rh w/) ‘lung’
kong ㄎㄨㄥ (rh w/) English word ‘strong’
kou ㄎㄡ ko (rh w/) ‘go’
ku ㄎㄨ koo
kua ㄎㄨㄚ k + wa
kuai ㄎㄨㄞ k + wai (rh w/) ‘buy’
kuan ㄎㄨㄢ k + wahn
kuang ㄎㄨㄤ k + wang
kui ㄎㄨㄟ k + way
kun ㄎㄨㄣ k + wun
kuo ㄎㄨㄛ k + awe
la ㄌㄚ
lai ㄌㄞ lie
lan ㄌㄢ
lang ㄌㄤ
lao ㄌㄠ
le ㄌㄜ le (the same as the French ‘le’)
lei ㄌㄟ lay
leng ㄌㄥ lung
li ㄌ一 lee
lia ㄌ一ㄚ lee + ah (note that in this word and those below, the ‘lee’ sound is very short)
lian ㄌ一ㄢ lee + en
liang ㄌ一ㄤ lee + ahng
liao ㄌ一ㄠ lee + aow
lie ㄌ一ㄝ lee + eh
lin ㄌ一ㄣ
ling ㄌ一ㄥ (rh w/) ‘ring’
liu ㄌ一ㄡ lee + oh
lo ㄌㄛ law
long ㄌㄨㄥ
lou ㄌㄡ low
lu ㄌㄨ loo
luan ㄌㄨㄢ lu + ahn
lun ㄌㄨㄣ lu + un (1 syllable)
luo ㄌㄨㄛ law
ㄌㄩ lyü (Note that the ‘ü’-sound is not the same sound as the sound of ‘lu’ [ㄌㄨ] above.)
lüe ㄌㄩㄝ lyü + eh
ma ㄇㄚ
mai ㄇㄞ my
man ㄇㄢ
mang ㄇㄤ mah + ng
mao ㄇㄠ
me ㄇㄜ (rh w/) the French ‘de’ or ‘le’
mei ㄇㄟ may
men ㄇㄣ mun
meng ㄇㄥ mung
mi ㄇ一 mee
mian ㄇ一ㄢ mee + en (note that in this word and those below, the ‘mee’ sound is very short)
miao ㄇ一ㄠ mee + ao
mie ㄇ一ㄝ mee + eh
min ㄇ一ㄣ mee + n
ming ㄇ一ㄥ mee + ng
miu ㄇ一ㄡ mee + oh
mo ㄇㄛ maw
mou ㄇㄡ mow
mu ㄇㄨ moo
na ㄋㄚ nah
nai ㄋㄞ
nan ㄋㄢ
nang ㄋㄤ n + ah + ng
nao ㄋㄠ now
ne ㄋㄜ ne (rh w/) the French ‘de’ or ‘le’
nei ㄋㄟ nay
nen ㄋㄣ nun
neng ㄋㄥ nung
ni ㄋ一 knee
nian ㄋ一ㄢ nee + en (note that in this word and those below, the ‘nee’ sound is very short)
niang ㄋ一ㄤ nee + ahng
niao ㄋ一ㄠ nee + ow
nie ㄋ一ㄝ nee + eh
nin ㄋ一ㄣ neen
ning ㄋ一ㄥ
niu ㄋ一ㄡ nee + oh
nong ㄋㄨㄥ
nou ㄋㄡ noh
nu ㄋㄨ new
nuan ㄋㄨㄢ new + ahn
nuo ㄋㄨㄛ n + awe
ㄋㄩ nyü (Note the ‘ü’-sound is not the same sound as in ‘nu’ [ㄋㄨ] above)
nüe ㄋㄩㄝ nyü + eh
o awe
ou oh(!)
pa ㄆㄚ p + ah
pai ㄆㄞ pie
pan ㄆㄢ
pang ㄆㄤ p + ah + ng
pao ㄆㄠ
pei ㄆㄟ pay
pen ㄆㄣ pun
peng ㄆㄥ pung
pi ㄆ一 pee
pian ㄆ一ㄢ pee + en (note that in this word and those below, the ‘pee’ sound is very short)
piao ㄆ一ㄠ pee + ao
pie ㄆ一ㄝ pee + eh
pin ㄆ一ㄣ peen
ping ㄆ一ㄥ
po ㄆㄛ paw
pou ㄆㄡ poe
pu ㄆㄨ poo
qi ㄑ一 chee
qia ㄑ一ㄚ chee + ah (note that in this word and those below, the ‘chee’ sound is very short)
qian ㄑ一ㄢ chee + en
qiang ㄑ一ㄤ chee + ahng
qiao ㄑ一ㄠ chee + ao
qie ㄑ一ㄝ chee + eh
qin ㄑ一ㄣ chin
qing ㄑ一ㄥ ching
qiong ㄑㄩㄥ chee + yong
qiu ㄑ一ㄡ chee + oh
qu ㄑㄩ chyü
quan ㄑㄩㄢ ch + wen
que ㄑㄩㄝ ch + weh
qun ㄑㄩㄣ ch + wün
ran ㄖㄢ
rang ㄖㄤ rahng
rao ㄖㄠ (rh w/) ‘prow’
re ㄖㄜ (rh w/) the French ‘de’ or ‘le’
ren ㄖㄣ
reng ㄖㄥ rung
ri rrreh
rong ㄖㄨㄥ rong
rou ㄖㄡ row
ru ㄖㄨ roo
ruan ㄖㄨㄢ ru + ahn
rui ㄖㄨㄟ ru + ay
run ㄖㄨㄣ ru + n
ruo ㄖㄨㄛ raw
sa ㄙㄚ s + ‘ah’
sai ㄙㄞ
san ㄙㄢ
sang ㄙㄤ s + ‘ah’ + ng
sao ㄙㄠ
se ㄙㄜ (rh w/) the French ‘de’ or ‘le’
sen ㄙㄣ
seng ㄙㄥ sung
sha ㄕㄚ sh + ‘ah’
shai ㄕㄞ
shan ㄕㄢ
shang ㄕㄤ sh + ‘ah’ + ng
shao ㄕㄠ
she ㄕㄜ sh + (‘a’ in ‘ago’)
shei ㄕㄟ (rh w/) ‘sleigh’
shen ㄕㄣ shun
sheng ㄕㄥ sh + eng
shi sounds like the sound ‘shhhhh’ (sometimes pron. ‘shir’, which is typically Běijīng-style pronunciation.)
shou ㄕㄡ show
shu ㄕㄨ shu (same sound as in ‘the shoe on the foot’)
shua ㄕㄨㄚ shwa
shuai ㄕㄨㄞ
shuan ㄕㄨㄢ shu + wen
shuang ㄕㄨㄤ shwang
shui ㄕㄨㄟ shway
shun ㄕㄨㄣ shwun
shuo ㄕㄨㄛ shaw
si se
song ㄙㄨㄥ soong
sou ㄙㄡ so
su ㄙㄨ soo
suan ㄙㄨㄢ swahn
sui ㄙㄨㄟ s + way
sun ㄙㄨㄣ soo + un
suo ㄙㄨㄛ saw
ta ㄊㄚ
tai ㄊㄞ tie
tan ㄊㄢ
tang ㄊㄤ tah + ng
tao ㄊㄠ
te ㄊㄜ (rh w/) the French ‘de’ or ‘le’
teng ㄊㄥ t + ung
ti ㄊ一 tee
tian ㄊ一ㄢ tee + en
tiao ㄊ一ㄠ tee + ao
tie ㄊ一ㄝ tee + eh (note that in this word and those below, the ‘tee’ sound is very short)
ting ㄊ一ㄥ
tong ㄊㄨㄥ
tou ㄊㄡ tow
tu ㄊㄨ too
tuan ㄊㄨㄢ too + an (together, 1 syllable)
tui ㄊㄨㄟ too + way (together, 1 syllable)
tun ㄊㄨㄣ t + wun (together, 1 syllable)
tuo ㄊㄨㄛ taw
wa ㄨㄚ
wai ㄨㄞ why
wan ㄨㄢ
wang ㄨㄤ w +ahng
wei ㄨㄟ way
wen ㄨㄣ wun
weng ㄨㄥ w + ung
wo ㄨㄛ w + awe
wu oo (the ‘w’ is not pronounced)
xi ㄒ一 shee
xia ㄒ一ㄚ shee* + ah
xian ㄒ一ㄢ shee* + en
xiang ㄒ一ㄤ shee* + ang
xiao ㄒ一ㄠ shee* + ao
xie ㄒ一ㄝ shee* + eh
xin ㄒ一ㄣ sheen
xing ㄒ一ㄥ shing
xiong ㄒㄩㄥ shee* + yong
xiu ㄒ一ㄡ shee* + oh
xu ㄒㄩ shyü (Note that this, and the next 3 word-sounds contain the special ‘ü’-sound.)
xuan ㄒㄩㄢ shyü + wen (together, one syllable)
xue ㄒㄩㄝ shyü + weh
xun ㄒㄩㄣ shwün
*Note that for all the words above that start with ‘xi’ (ㄒ一) and/or whose pronunciations are noted as ‘shee’ + another sound, the ‘shee’ sound is very short.
ya 一ㄚ yah
yai 一ㄞ y + ai
yan 一ㄢ y + en
yang 一ㄤ y + ang
yao 一ㄠ y + ao
ye 一ㄝ y + ‘eh’
yi ‘ee’ (the ‘y’ is silent)
yin 一ㄣ een
ying 一ㄥ ing
yong ㄩㄥ young
you 一ㄡ y + ‘oh’ (as in Stallone’s famous, “Yo, Adrian.”)
yu yü (Note that this, and the next 3 word-sounds contain the special ‘ü’-sound. Also note that the ‘y’ is not usually pronounced.)
yuan ㄩㄢ yü + en
yue ㄩㄝ yü + eh
yun ㄩㄣ yü + un
The Pinyin “Z” transliteration (Note: the Pinyin ‘z’ transliteration is not the ‘z’-sound of English: it is a token for a Chinese sound like the ‘dz‘ sound in the English word ‘adze’. Chinese does not have an English-style ‘z’-sound and native Chinese speakers have a difficult time learning to pronounce the English ‘z’-sound.)
za ㄗㄚ dz + ah
zai ㄗㄞ dz + ai
zan ㄗㄢ dz + an
zang ㄗㄤ dz + ahng
zao ㄗㄠ dz + ao
ze ㄗㄜ dz + (a sound in ‘ago’)
zei ㄗㄟ dz + ay
zen ㄗㄣ dz + un
zeng ㄗㄥ dz + ung
zi dz
zong ㄗㄨㄥ dz + ong
zou ㄗㄡ dz + oh
zu ㄗㄨ dz + oo
zuan ㄗㄨㄢ dz + wahn
zui ㄗㄨㄟ dz + way
zun ㄗㄨㄣ dz + wun
zuo ㄗㄨㄛ dz + awe
The Pinyin ‘ZH’ transliteration Note: the Pinyin ‘zh’ transliteration, below, is a token for a Chinese sound like the ‘g’-sounds in the name ‘George’. Cues to pronunciation below are noted with a non-standard ‘jh’ instead of the standard ‘zh’ token of Pinyin for descriptive clarity here, so that neophytes understand the ‘j’-like nature of the sound. The ‘h’ is silent (in the ‘jh’ as well as in the ‘zh’ Pinyinization,) and is there to differentiate this sound from the other Chinese ‘j’-sound which is articulated like a normal English ‘j’-sound. This Pinyin ‘zh’-type j-sound is articulated with the tip of the tongue rolled back in the mouth, almost touching the soft palate. See the extended articulation description and explanation in Articulation of Chinese Sounds.
zha ㄓㄚ jha (as the rasta say it)
zhai ㄓㄞ jhai
zhan ㄓㄢ jhan
zhang ㄓㄤ jh+ ang
zhao ㄓㄠ jh + ao
zhe ㄓㄜ jh + the ‘a’ sound in the word ‘ago’
zhen ㄓㄣ jh + the ‘un’ sound in the word ‘under’
zheng ㄓㄥ jheng
zhei ㄓㄟ jhay
zhi like the ‘g’-sounds in the name ‘George’ (note: not “gee” but just the ‘g’-sound without “ee”.)
zhong ㄓㄨㄥ jhong
zhou ㄓㄡ jhoe (as in ‘joe’)
zhu ㄓㄨ jhoo
zhua ㄓㄨㄚ jh + wah
zhuai ㄓㄨㄞ jh + why
zhuan ㄓㄨㄢ jh + wahn
zhuang ㄓㄨㄤ jhu + ang
zhui ㄓㄨㄟ jh + way
zhun ㄓㄨㄣ jh + wun
zhuo ㄓㄨㄛ jhaw

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© R. Teller, 2015



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List of Abbreviations

(!)Simplified character is completely different from the Traditional character
A.C.ancient Chinese
adj.adjective or adjectival phrase (in Chinese an adj. is often simply a v. or n. to which de5 [的] is added: the 的 is usually omitted in this dictionary)
adv.adverb or adverbial phrase
akaalso known as
alt. pron.alternate or non-standard pronunciation
Am.American; American usage
arch.archaic character, use or meaning
Arch.Architecture; referring to Architecture or having to do with Architecture
aux.auxiliary verb
bce.Before the Common Era (=BC: Before Christ)
Bei.pron.Beijing-style pronunciation
bf.bound form
Br.British; British usage
CCPChinese Communist Party
CEChurch of England
ce.Common Era (=AD: Anno Domini)
Ch.id.Chinese idiom
char.Chinese character
Chin.China; Chinese
Chr.Christianity (including both Protestantism and Catholicism)
coll.colloquial expression or usage
derog.used as a derogatory term
dipl.diplomacy; diplomatic
dist.distinguished from; as distinguished from
Eng.id.English idiom
Eng.ph.English phrase
env.environment; environmental
fam.familiar usage
fig.figurative usage
fmr.former or formerly
Fr.France; French
fv.functive verb
gr.str.grammatical structure or construction
gyabillion years ago
hist.history; historical
interch.interchangeable with
Jp.Japan; Japanese; Japanese variant (of a character)
KXRKangxi Radical
L.Latin, from Latin or having a Latin root
L.ph.translation of Latin phrase (as used in English)
leg.legal terminology
lit.literal (ie. word-for-word) translation
M.measure word (used as a numerary adjunct for nouns)
mach.machines; machinery
MEMiddle East; Middle Eastern
med.medicine; medical terminology; as used in the practice of, etc.
met.metaphorical usage
mil.military terminology
mod.modern usage
mus.music or musical notation
myamillion years ago
na.name or title
naut.nautical, marine or maritime
NGOsNon-Governmental Organizations
nph.noun phrase; compound noun
on.onomatopoeia (as, a sound's written representation of how it sounds)
opp.opposite or as opposed to
pn.place name, geographic location or geographic feature
pol.polite form of address
pol.sl.political slogan
pop.popular speech; popularly used; common speech
pop.wr.popularly written
pp.past participle
PRCPeople's Republic of China; as used in the PRC
pron.pronounced; pronunciation
pw.place word
qs.question sentence
qw.question word
rad.radical- used as a part of Chinese characters
RCRoman Catholic
regl.var.regional variant
rve.resultative verb ending
sf.sentence fragment
sh.short form or shortened form
sp.specialized language used in technical situations or by specialists (eg.: medical, legal, etc.)
sp.pron. special or unusual pronunciation
sport.as used in sports; sports terminology
ss.sample sentence
st.pron.sometimes pronounced
st.wr.sometimes written
sv.stative verb (an adj. which includes 'be' as in 'be (x)', often simply labeled as 'adj.')
T.S.Tone Sandhi
tax.taxonomy (as, scientific naming system); taxonomic name
TCMTraditional Chinese Medicine; Chinese herbal medicine
topo.topolect (some part of the word has been phonically transliterated from English into Chinese) (aka loanword)
tr.na.trade name, business name or product name
TWTaiwan; as used in Taiwan
u.f.used for
var.various; variety; variant
vo.separable verb-object combination
vph.verb phrase; compound verb
wr.written or literary use

List of Topics

A01 Agriculture: Soil, Crops and Tools
A02 Livestock and Animal Husbandry
A03 Nomadism and Pastoralism
A04 Sericulture and Silk
A05 Trees and Forestry
A06 Wood Products, Carpentry and Woodworking
A07 Other Misc. Wooden Articles and Furniture
A08 Plants and Botany
A10Fruits and Melons
A11Beans, Nuts, Seeds, Oils and Tubers
A12Molds, Mushrooms and Other Fungi
A13Smells, Aromas and Fragrances
A14Fibers, Textiles and Dyeing
B01 Rarity, Precision, Value and Excellence
B02 Beauty, Aesthetics, Art and the Fine Arts
B03 Colors
B04 Pattern, Design, Appearance and Decoration
B05 Architecture, Structures and Construction
B06 Handicrafts
B07 Porcelain and Pottery
B08 Clarity, Darkness and Gloom
C01 Books, Poetry, Literature and Publishing
C02 Myths, Legends, Stories and Reading
C03 Documents, Correspondence, Paper and Printing
C04 Journalism, News, Newspapers and Media
C05 Acting, Theater, Video and Cinematography
C06 Voice, Sound, Music and Dance
C07 The Eye, Vision and Photography
C08 Radio, Television, and Broadcasting
D01 Science and Scientific Ideas
D02 Biology, Microbiology, Taxonomy and Genetics
D03 Anatomy, Physiology, Kinesiology and Bioelectronics
D04 Land Animals
D05 Insects and Spiders
D06 Rivers, the Littoral, the Ocean, Fish, Amphibians, Aquatic Animals and Oceanography
D07 Birds and Flying Mammals
D08 The Environment, Conservation, Ecology, Pollution and Garbage
E01 Chemistry
E02 Communication and Humor
E03 Technology, Computers, Electronics and the Internet
E04 Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry
E05 Batteries, Electricity and Light
E06 Geology and the Earth Sciences
E07 Petroleum, Minerals, Mining and Metallurgy
E08 Jade, Gemstones and Jewelry
F01 Individual Character Definitions
F02 Chinese Culture, Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture
F03 Chinese Dynasties and the Dynastic Period
F04 Ancient Chinese Warfare and Weapons
F05 Chinese Language: Measure Words, Negatives and RVEs
F06 Nature and Natural Resources
F07 Names, Proper Names and Trade Names
F08 Chinese Books, Writing and Characters
G01 Diplomacy and International Relations
G02 Nationality, Ethnicity, Nations and Peoples
G03 Bureaucracy, Government and NGOs
G04 Geography and Maps
G05 Places and Place Names
G06 Topography and Geographic Features
G07 Politics
G08 Cities
H01 Economics and Markets
H02 Business, Enterprise, Commerce and Ownership
H03 Accounting
H04 Sales, Marketing and Service
H05 Negotiation, Labor and Management
H06 Money and Banking, Finance, Insurance and Investing
H07 Products, Companies, Manufacturing and Manufactured Goods
H08 Skill, Standards and Quality
I01 Education
I02 Mathematics, Statistics, Quantities, Series, Progression and Size
I03 Prehistory, Protohistory and World History
I04 Chinese History and Historical Mythology
I05 Japan and Japanese History
I06 Sanitation and Hygiene
I07 Materials
I08 Actions
I09Shapes, Forms and Models
I10Textures, Rough and Smooth Surfaces, and Flexibility
J01 The Kitchen, Cooking Techniques, Utensils and Nutrition
J02 Foods and Ingredients, Tea and Other Beverages, Spices, Sauces and Seasonings
J03 Alcohol, Wines and Spirits
J04 Restaurants and Entertaining, Menu Items, Chinese (and Other) Food and Recipe Names
J05 Absorb, Inhale, Assimilate and Include
J06 Easy, Difficult, Similarities and Differences
J07 New, Old, More, Less
J08 Instructions, Directions, Opportunity, Problems and Mistakes
K01 Language
K02 Grammar and Grammatical Constructions
K03 Phonetics
K04 Exclamations, Expressions, Phrases, Proverbs, Sayings, Slang and Idioms
K05 Descriptions
K06 Order and Disorder, Methods and Meetings
K07 Sources, Results, Solutions, Beginnings, Endings and Waste
K08 Comparisons, Combinations, Connections, Distribution and Containers
L01 Rules, Law, Courts, Justice and Criminology
L02 Threats, Safety and Security
L03 Winning, Losing, Success, Failure, Luck, Fame and Fortune
L04 Hide, Conceal, Secrets, Questions and Answers
L05 Seek, Barriers, Limits and Restrictions
L06 Help, Strong and Weak
L07 Change, Plan, Functioning and Usefulness
L08 Groups, Unity, Decision, Agreement and Harmony
M01 Logic, Intellect, Talent and Ability
M02 Philosophy, Ideas, Knowledge and Inventions
M03 Medicine, Health and Pharmacology
M04 Memory, the Mind, Psychology and Emotion
M05 Human Characteristics and Responsibilities
M06 Corruption in Society, Sex and Pornography
M07 Public and Private, Manners and Civility, Respect and Honor
M08 Real, Counterfeit, Substitutes and Copies; Cheap and Expensive
N01 Military Affairs and Intelligence, Weapons, Strategy, War and Peace
N02 Protest, Violence, Rebellion, Civil War, Terrorism and Guerilla Warfare
N03 Engineering
N04 Time and Tides
N05 Organization, Competence, Aspiration and Obligation
N06 Childhood, Maturation, Adulthood and Old Age
N07 Sleep
N08 Life, Death, Living and Dying
O01 General Physics
O02 Space, Optics, Astronomy and Astrophysics
O03 Atoms, Atomic Energy and Particle Physics
O04 Aeronautics, Aviation, Air Power and Spaceflight
O05 Weights, Measures, Flow, Positioning and Distance
O06 Fire, Water and Ice
O07 Weather, Meteorology and Conditions
O08 Float, Wave, Rise in the Air, Spin, Revolve and Other Motions
P01 Faith, Religion, Morals and Ethics
P02 Great Religious Writings
P03 The Zodiac, Astrology and Other Symbols
P04 Hope, Fate, Belief and Superstition
P05 Women and Women's Things
P06 Permission, Acceptance and Rejection
P07 Opposites, Categories and Kinds
P08 Collect, Assemble, Give and Receive
Q01 Sociology, Society and Culture
Q02 Relationships
Q03 Clothing, Fashion and Style
Q04 Behavior, Habits and Addictions
Q05 Home, Furniture, Household Appliances, Housewares and Household Activities
Q06 Work, Jobs and Careers
Q07 Sports, Athletics and Exercise
Q08 Toys, Games, Gambling, Entertainment and Leisure Activities
R01 Gifts, Prizes, Ceremonies, Achievements  and Philanthropy
R02 Ships, Shipping, Sailing, Naval Forces and Maritime Affairs
R03 Rope, Bind, Tie, Packaging and Packages
R04 Travel, Transportation, Air Travel and Tourism
R05 the Science of Mechanics, Mechanisms, Instruments, Devices, Machines and Engines
R06 Vehicles, Driving and Speed
R07 Breakage, Accidents and Disasters
R08 Machine Parts, Tools and Their Use